CIDREE New Learning Environments Expert Meeting
On the 8th and 9th November 2018 CIDREE Members from 5 European Countries (France, Luxemburg, Sweden, Hungary, Ireland) participated in a Expert Meeting about “New Learning Environments” in Lyon.
The Meeting allowed participants to discuss about converging evolutions of the learning spaces and environments linked with the development of digital education. For example, the discussions have outlined the growing porosity between formal (academic) and non formal learnings (out-of-school, assocative and familial apprenticeship…), the need to integrate young people’s digital uses in school learning processes, the emerging transformations and reconfigurations of the classroom (modularity and plurifunctionality of the space). Presentations have also allowed to explore new spaces dedicated or facilitating collaborative knwoledge and/or based on an experimental approach (third places, learning labs, fablabs…).
The meeting also allowed virtual exchanges with experts from the Future Classroom Lab project (European schoolnet). FCL ambassadors from Israel, Norway and Belgium proposed a virtual visit of their own Learning and Makers lab and explained how these spaces are used to develop experimental professional training for better integration of digital tools and active pedagogies.