Yearbook 2012
Create learning for all – what matters?
Edited by Ulla Lindqvist and Sten Pettersson
Introduction by Ulla Lindqvist
Schools and their possibilities to support all pupils in their efforts to learn and achieve the targets and expected outcomes is the starting point in this CIDREE yearbook 2012. The pupils ́ learning is its focus. The question about how to “Create learning for all – what matters?” is a core issue for education in every country, an exciting and challenging question that constantly needs new an- swers. This is the overall topic of the CIDREE yearbook 2012. The articles from nine European countries mirror current challenges, discussions and tendencies in their different contexts. Several are common, but others are specific. Howev- er, one book can not cover them all. So, with this contribution we are pleased to invite you to a further discussion on how to develop learning for all pupils and how to implement new thinking and big changes into every day teaching and learning processes.
The emphasis on the key role of education has grown in intensity. Focus, demands and expectations on single schools and education systems are very high indeed. The need for curriculum reviews, improvement of teaching and learning as well as in many cases system changes are in focus in most coun- tries in order to provide excellence, enabling personal development and social and civic cohesion. The principals of learning in the 21st century and the em- phasis on a wide range of knowledge, competencies and attitudes are strongly stressed and innovation, creativity and flexibility have become key words within education in the time.
However, too many pupils are dropping out or leaving school without a complete education. These are challenges that can not be ignored. At the same time there are high expectations from European policy makers and educational stakeholders on education outcomes and increasing number of students in higher education and higher vocational training.