CIDREE Yearbook 2024
E-testing and computer-based assessment
Edited by Branislav Ranđelović, Elizabeta Karalić, Katarina Aleksić, Danijela Đukić (IEQE, Belgrade)
We are living in the age of digitalization and wide use of computers and digital devices. Testing in schools and any form of computer assessment seems to be one of the most important processes in contemporary education. Additionally, we have increased need, and we put a large focus in measuring student outcomes.
This Yearbook provides an insight into E-testing and computer-based assessment from several European educational systems. Throughout ten articles, authors from diverse professional backgrounds and specializations offer different perspectives on promoting this topic in wide education contexts. Authors share experiences and aims of their own educational systems. Throughout those articles, there is a clear focus on the need to engage digital technology and e-testing tools in assessment process.
The articles explore the diverse challenges faced by educational stakeholders in different educational systems, different school environments and various digital capacities, aiming to share knowledge and experiences, to increase the quality of the educational processes and to prepare the students for the challenging world of the twenty-first century.
The editors are proud to present you the insights of 10 CIDREE members. This yearbook should give as a new insight into this very important topic.
CIDREE Yearbook 2024 E-testing and computer-based assessment (PDF)