UK – Education Scotland
Education Scotland
The Optima
58 Robertson Street
UK – Glasgow G2 8DU
CIDREE representative:
Mr Ollie Bray
Phone +44 131 244 4330
Mobile +44 7825236561
CIDREE National Coordinator:
Ms Lise McCaffery
Phone +44 131 244 4330
Mobile +44 791717639
Institutional size: 200
Key remit
- Actively promote innovation, ambition and excellence in the Scottish education system
- Support teachers, schools and local authorities in improving the quality of education and raising achievement
- Ensure that the curriculum and learning and teaching, including the use of ICT, assist children and young people to develop their full potential
- Work in partnership with the Scottish Executive and other key stakeholders to build capacity and support delivery of a first class education
Educational Sectors Covered
- Pre-School
- Primary
- Secondary
- Special
- Post-16/FE
- Vocational
Current Educational Priorities/Projects
- Curriculum development: the Curriculum for Excellence (3-18)
- Assessment, achievement and national qualifications: Assessment is for learning
- Excellence for All: literacy and numeracy; inclusion; healthy living; additional support needs
- Building capacity: leadership; continuing professional development; global citizenship; enterprise education; international education
- Innovation/improvement in learning and teaching
- ICT in learning and teaching; Schools Digital Intranet; online resources
- Employability work-related curriculum
- Early years education
Current Organisational Priorities/Concerns
- Manage major institutional change: forward thinking, innovative; customer and delivery focused
- Improve sharing of good practice and dissemination of information
- Improve organisational cost-effectiveness, efficiency and performance management