ZRSŠ (Zavod Republike Slovenije za Šolstvo)
Poljanska cesta 28
1000 Ljublijana
CIDREE member
Ms Jasna Rojc
Phone +386 13005155
CIDREE National Coordinator
Ms Mihaela Zavašnik
Phone +386 1 300 51 55
Institutional size (f.t. equivalents): 200
Educational levels covered
Target groups
Mission of the institution
The Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia is the central national development-research and consulting institute in the fields of preschool education, primary education and general secondary education, influencing the improvement of the quality of education, learning and teaching processes, improvement of academic achievements and teaching, and thus also the quality of lifelong learning. With responsiveness in all areas of operation, it will strengthen visibility in national and international space.
Key Functions
The main long-term goals of the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia as a national institution in the field of education focus on:
- Developing and supporting successful and quality teaching, learning and leadership practices in early childhood, primary, secondary and special education institutions;
- Developing and preparing professional policy documents and foundations in establishing system conditions for supporting the development of effective teaching, learning and leadership practices and quality in the field of early childhood and (primary, secondary and special) education;
- Providing professional policy advice for system solutions and support in early childhood, primary, secondary and special education;
- Strengthening teacher and principal career and professional development;
- Introducing, monitoring and evaluating publicly valid programs and parts of publicly valid programs in education;
- Involving in international activities in the field of education development and cooperation with educational institutions abroad.
Relevant Educational Priorities/Projects
In the long term, the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia will prioritize educational activities in the following areas:
- quality assurance of early childhood, primary, secondary and special education;
- development of higher cognitive levels;
- a safe and stimulating learning environment;
- sustainable development.
Relevant Organizational Priorities/Projects
- Developing internal quality assurance system;
- Strengthening professional development of and ensuring quality working conditions for employees;
- Strengthening cooperation with the Ministry of Education, early childhood, primary, secondary and special education institutions, and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. universities).