The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
P.O. Box. 9359 Grønland
CIDREE member
Ms Marthe Akselsen
Phone + 47 99256459
CIDREE National Coordinator
Ms Hedda Birgitte Huse
Mobile +47 41331219
Institutional size (f.t. equivalents): Approx. 380
Educational levels covered
Target groups
Mission of the institution
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training is the executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research. We are responsible for kindergartens, as well as primary and secondary education. The Directorate has the overall responsibility for supervising kindergarten, education and the governance of the education sector, as well as the implementation of Acts of Parliament and regulations.
The objective of the Directorate is to ensure that all children, pupils and apprentices receive the high-quality education they are entitled to.
Key Functions
- Regulations and supervision: Managing the Education Act, the Private School Act and the Kindergarten Act with regulations. Responsible for supervising the country’s public and private schools;
- Knowledge Base: Providing knowledge about the state of kindergartens, schools, and vocational training through research, statistics, the student survey, and other user surveys. Disseminating data and research;
- Curricula and Framework Plans: Developing and managing the framework plan for kindergartens, the framework plan for after-school programs (SFO), and the curriculum framework for primary and secondary education;
- Learning Environment: Conducting extensive work to promote well-being in schools and kindergartens and act as an appeals body for cases concerning students’ right to a safe and good school environment;
- Exams and Tests: Responsible for preparing exams, national tests, and diagnostic tests for primary and secondary education;
- Grants and Competence Development: Providing grants to approved private schools and grants and project funds for a wide range of initiatives to promote learning and well-being in kindergartens and schools. Administering the state’s extensive continuing education for teachers and leaders in schools and kindergartens, support local competence development, and develop online competence packages for the sector.
Relevant Educational Priorities/Projects
- Supporting implementation of the curriculum framework (LK20) and ensure that it becomes a good and clear tool for pedagogical work at all levels in school;
- Further developing a comprehensive system for competence and career development;
- Further developing the assessment system, in alignment with the curriculum;
- Developing the strategy for digital competence and infrastructure in kindergarten and school. For instance, contribute to the development of digital competence in accordance with the curriculum.
Relevant Organizational Priorities/Projects
- Renewing goals and management parameters for the directorate;
- Developing measures that can better support vulnerable children and young people, also across sectors.