Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development SLO
Stationsplein 1
3818 LE Amersfoort
Postal address: PO box 502
3800 AM Amersfoort
CIDREE member
Mr Jindra Divis (Past President)
Mobile +31 613099530
CIDREE National Coordinator
Mr Marc van Zanten
Mobile +31 6 5241 5133
Institutional size (f.t. equivalents): 150
Educational levels covered
Target groups
Mission of the institution
One of the pillars of a good education is the curriculum. We use our knowledge and experience to contribute to a well-thought-out curriculum that prepares students for their future, based on developments in society and insights from research. We contribute to the quality of education at the behest of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and in partnership with teachers, school leaders and other partners.
Key Functions
- National coordination of curriculum development;
- Analysis, design, validation and evaluation of curricular frameworks and exemplary specifications;
- Providing input from research and international examples;
- Advising and supporting the Ministry of Education;
- Advising and supporting other governmental agencies and educational organisations.
Relevant Educational Priorities/Projects
- Actualising the legal curriculum for primary and secondary education, including education for pupils with special educational needs and/or (learning) disabilities. This concerns all subjects and learning areas;
- Developing learning trajectories for the actualised curriculum;
- Supporting and monitoring the implementation of the actualised curriculum.
Relevant Organizational Priorities/Projects
- Developing a transparent and predictable system of periodic maintenance / review of the curriculum;
- Advising the Ministry of Education and other relevant organisations on the implementation of the new curriculum;
- Contributing to the monitoring of the realised curriculum in the classroom.