Kosovo Pedagogical Institute
Stre. Lorenc Antoni, No 83.
10000, Prishtina, Kosova
CIDREE member
Mr Osman Buleshkaj
Phone +383 38 213 830, Centrix: 20165
CIDREE National Coordinator
Ms Luljeta Shala
Phone +383 49239744
Institutional size (f.t. equivalents): 21
Educational levels covered
Target groups
Mission of the institution
The mission of the Kosovo Pedagogical Institute (KPI) is to provide comprehensive professional services to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST) and educational institutions at all levels in Kosovo. These services include research, training, counseling, monitoring, evaluation, and the publication of educational resources.
KPI’s primary role is to research, analyze, and compare Kosovo’s educational achievements with other countries. It conducts research on curriculum development, educational standards, textbooks, assessment methods, and teacher and leadership training. Additionally, KPI offers training and support for teachers and education leaders, assists MEST and municipal directorates in developing educational policies and reforms, and publishes research results, educational materials, and manuals for educational institutions.
Key Functions
- Conducting research activities in the pre-university sector to ensure authentic data gathering, inform policy decisions and contribute to developing needs-based capacity building programs;
- Developing professional materials (guidebooks) to support schools and other education institutions in areas of research and training activities related to pedagogical, didactics and methodological aspects of teaching and learning;
- Providing professional support to educational institutions through cooperation and active participation in the implementation of educational research programs in various areas such as early years and general education, curriculum and staff development, digitalization, adult and vocational education, integration and inclusion, quality assurance and school improvement;
- Conducting trainings for education staff, in accordance with the identified needs and training capacities;
- Providing support to education institutions in improving the quality of school/institutional performance and preparing relevant developmental strategies;
- Promoting and supporting implementation of strategies and methods to improve student and institutional assessment and self-assessment practices, given the experiences that take place in Kosovo and abroad;
- Participating at and contributing to scientific activities to share research work and learn from local and international practices.
Relevant Educational Priorities/Projects
- Improving the quality of teaching through continuous professional development and career advancement of in-service teachers;
- Developing reading literacy and critical thinking through research and professional development projects;
- Vocational education and lifelong learning: promoting work-based learning and preparation of youngsters in line with labor-market needs;
- Improving quality of leadership, professional support and quality assurance of educational institutions (early years education to upper secondary education).
Relevant Organizational Priorities/Projects
- Improving institutional capacity to conduct high quality evidence-based research and deliver needs-based PD support for educational institutions;
- Supporting schools/teachers in delivering high quality teaching to improve reading literacy and critical thinking skills;
- Developing guidelines for improving curriculum leadership and implementation including curriculum revisions, improved assessment methods, high-quality textbooks and staff development;
- Building capacities for digitalization of services and processes in the pre-university education sector.
Additional information
The Kosovo Pedagogical Institute is seeking partners and partnerships to develop internal capacities and improve support services for schools and educators at large. Learning from and working with other CIDREE members remains a high priority and an important goal.