Ministry of Education an Research
Department of General Education Policy
Munga 18
50088 Tartu
CIDREE representative:
Ülle Matsin
Phone +372 735 0149
CIDREE National Coordinator:
Valdek Rohtma
Phone +372 735 1365
mobile +372 510 6102
The Education and Youth Authority is a governmental body under the administration of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. Agency was established based on the services of Innove Foundation (member of CIDREE till July 31st, 2020), Archimedes Foundation, Educational Information Technology Foundation, and the Estonian Youth Work Center and started on August 1st, 2020. The main fields of activity of the Authority include the implementation of education policy and youth policy.
Key Functions:
The Education and Youth Authority:
- participates in drafting legislation, organises implementation thereof and, within the limits of its competence, provides respective legal advice and guidelines on exercising rights and performing obligations arising from legislation;
- provides and develops study counselling services;
- draws up and develops national curricula for pre-school, general and vocational education, and provides advice to educational institutions on implementation of national curricula and updating of curricula of educational institutions;
- organises the preparation and dissemination of learning materials;
- carries out the external assessment of the quality of educational institutions and studies;
- carries out the external assessment of learning results, organises the conduct of international foreign language examinations and, within the limits of its authority, the issue of certificates and ordering and distribution of forms of graduation certificates and results reports;
- prepares and organises examinations on the knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and the Citizenship Act and Estonian language proficiency examinations;
- organises, develops, monitors and analyses services related to the youth field and youth work;
- provides advice to organisers of youth work in planning and organising youth work;
- performs the functions related to hobby education and recreational activities, incl. analyses the use of financial support and the attainment of results;
- assesses foreign qualifications enabling access to higher education and certifying higher education;
- implements the European Union programmes Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps;
- acts as an innovation and competence centre of the field of education and youth;
- markets Estonian education and youth work;
- administers and develops information systems and other technological solutions of the main fields of activity of the Authority, creates and tests educational technology developments and supports introduction thereof;
- provides educational and research institutions with international data communication services;
- grants and intermediates scholarships, supports, awards and recognitions in the field of education and youth;
- where provided for in law or on the basis of law, performs the functions of the controller or processor of a database;
- participates in the preparation of national and European Union education and youth programmes;
- represents the Authority in a court within the limits of its competence;
- performs other functions arising from law or legislation issued on the basis thereof.
Educational Sectors Covered: All Sectors, incl. Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Special, Vocational, Higher, Adult
Current Educational Priorities/Projects:
- Curricula and Learning Materials
Design and development of national curricula for pre-school, general and vocational education, provision of advice to educational institutions on implementation of national curricula and updating of curricula of the institutions, organisation of preparation and dissemination of learning materials, organisation of hobby education and recreational activities and development of multilingual studies, development of study counselling services and provision of advice on implementation of recognition of prior learning and professional experience. - Tests and Assessment
External assessment of learning results, implementation and development of e-assessment, preparation and organisation of the examination on the knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and the Citizenship Act, preparation and organisation of Estonian language proficiency examinations, issue of certificates within the limits of its powers, organisation of comparative study benchmarking and questionnaires. - Internationalisation
Coordination of international cooperation of the Authority, marketing of Estonian education and youth work, assessment of foreign qualifications enabling access to higher education and certifying higher education and granting and intermediation of scholarships, financial supports and awards in the field of education and youth. - Youth Field Quality and Foresight
Implementation of youth policy, support for youth participation, assessment of impact of the youth field and implementation of youth programmes, organisation of awarding of professional qualifications, development of the quality system and provision of advice on implementation thereof, and quality assessment. - Youth Field Organisation
Organisation and development of youth work services and provision of advice to organisers of youth work, contribution to reduction of youth exclusion and provision of youth information and camp service. - Innovation and Cooperation
Monitoring of the field of technology and related fields, development and testing of innovations in the field of education and youth and support for introduction thereof, development of the educational technology competence and support therefor in the field of education and youth work, preparation and piloting of continuing education programmes and introduction of and support for cooperation opportunities targeted at partners.
- Technology Management
Administration and development of information systems of the field of activity, provision of international academic data communication services to educational and research institutions and provision of educational, information and communication technologies project management service. - Study Counselling Services
Provision of study counselling services, participation in the work of an external advisory team and organisation and coordination of the work thereof. - Training
Organisation of development and training activities targeted at teachers, support specialists, heads of educational institutions, youth workers and stakeholders.
- Curricula and Learning Materials