Belgium (VL)
AHOVOKS (Agentschap voor Hoger Onderwijs, Volwassenenonderwijs, Kwalificaties en Studietoelagen)
Koning Albert II – laan 15 bus 132
1210 Brussels
CIDREE member
Ms Ingrid Vanhoren (President)
Phone +32 476 364972
CIDREE National Coordinator
Ms Ellen Van Twembeke
Phone +32 255 31722
Institutional size (f.t. equivalents): 24
Educational levels covered
Target groups
Mission of the institution
Together with stakeholders we facilitate lifelong learning through the development and evaluation of learning objectives, professional qualifications, educational qualifications, educational programmes, validation standards and the consolidation of the ‘LED’ (Database of Qualifications and Certificates) as an authentic source.
Key Functions
- Providing policy advice concerning educational subjects;
- Developing and adjusting learning objectives in early childhood, primary, secondary and special education, in secondary adult education and in part-time arts education together with stakeholders in education;
- Developing and adjusting professional and educational qualifications (EQF 1-5);
- Developing educational programmes in adult education and dual teaching;
- Developing validation standards in the context of the recognition of acquired competencies;
- Developing a strategy about the model of governance of the ‘LED’
- Developing a screening instrument for the long-term monitoring of the education programmes in secondary education.
Relevant Educational Priorities/Projects
- Developing learning objectives in early childhood and primary education;
- Content-related supporting of the introduction of new low stake central exams, the so-called ‘Flemish tests’;
- Reviewing and updating professional qualifications.
Relevant Organizational Priorities/Projects
- Developing a system for monitoring and reporting of key functions;
- Developing strategies for stakeholders participation and for communication;
- Digitalizing the curriculum database.