Yearbook Conference 2024 November 2024 At the CIDREE Conference 2024 in Belgrade on 7 November 2024, organised by IEQE, the CIDREE Yearbook “E-testing and computer-based assessment” was introduced.

What is e-testing and computer-based assessment? What should it look like? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Over fifty education experts from eighteen different European countries discussed this issue during the annual CIDREE conference. This year’s conference in Belgrade was organized by IEQE.

We are living in the age of digitalization and wide use of computers and digital devices. Testing in schools and any form of computer assessment seems to be one of the most important processes in contemporary education. Since this is one of the great challenges of modern humanity, it is no coincidence that the theme of this year’s yearbook was precisely: E-testing and computer-based assessment. This theme of the yearbook was a great inspiration for many authors who presented their work during the conference.

After the welcome by Branislav Randjelović, CEO and head of the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation IEQE, it was time for the first keynote speaker: Danimir Mandić, Dean of Faculty of Education of Teachers University of Belgrade and his review of innovations in teacher education in Serbia.  After this presentation, Prof. doc.dr. Miloš Bajčetić from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, gave his perspective on the topic of the yearbook.

Afterwards, Danijela Danka Djukic (CNC, IEQE) introduced the authors of the yearbook articles who then each had 15 minutes for their presentations.

The panel discussion “e or not e?” was led by the director of IEQE and received the full attention of the audience. The panel discussion participants Ana Radovic, Luc Weis and Kevin Steinman expressed their professional opinions on the panel topic in an interesting and inspiring manner.

This was a great moment for quality discussion, exchange of ideas and horizontal learning. These annual conferences are a place where new ideas are born, creating strong professional connections and support among the participating countries of the CIDREE network.

Ingrid Vanhoren, CIDREE President 2024-2025, closed the conference.

Based on the responses, it was an interesting day for the participants. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the conference!

The yearbook is avaible here as a PDF

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