Slovak Republic – NIVaM
NIVAM (Národný inštitút vzdelávania a mládeže)
Ševčenkova 11
851 01 Bratislava
CIDREE member
Ms Romana Kanovská
Phone +421 248209453
CIDREE National Coordinator
Ms Zuzana Bánovčanová
Tel.: +421 908405496
Institutional size (f.t. equivalents): 300
Educational levels covered
Target groups
Mission of the institution
NIVAM is a national leader in expertise on education and training issues – it is a research, curricular, professional, methodological, advisory, and educational institution. As a public departmental organisation, NIVAM fulfils the vision of modern formal and non-formal education in Slovakia by expert support of its actors to be able to provide quality education and training services. NIVAM cooperates with other partners who provide educational services to children, pupils, youth, and adults.
Key Functions
- Developing, researching, innovating, monitoring and evaluating educational documents (curricula, guidelines, support materials, etc.);
- Creating and coordinating national and international tests and measurements;
- Advising and supporting educational organisations, schools and educational facilities in the implementation of curricular changes in pedagogical practice;
- Assessing and evaluating educational publications;
- Training pedagogical and professional staff (including youth workers), professional development consultancy and youth work;
- Activities of the National Agency Erasmus+ for Youth and Sport and the European Solidarity Corps (including research in the field of education and youth work);
- Other tasks according to current needs in the field of education.
Relevant Educational Priorities/Projects
- Fulfilling the objectives of the curricular reform;
- Building an effective system to support inclusion in school environment;
- Actively supporting and developing the training of teaching and professional staff;
- Supporting the development of youth policy and practice.
Relevant Organizational Priorities/Projects
- Developing an effective system of cooperation between merged organizations (within NIVAM) and departmental organizations;
- Setting up a system of support and information exchange between headquarters and regional offices.