Yearbook 2016
Successful Approaches to Raising Attainment and Tackling Inequity
Edited by Stephen Edgar
The theme of the CIDREE Yearbook 2016 is raising attainment and reducing inequity in education. Concerns about equity issues and attainment in education are not new. In fact, they have been the focus of longstanding attention in many countries. Despite this, challenges remain in ensuring that education systems truly meet the needs of all children and young people. These challenges are likely to stem from the complexity of the issues involved, and also possibly from the diverse ways in which equity can be conceptualised. Equity is a specific focus within Scotland just now. This is particularly due to the development over the past two years of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, which aims to close the gap in attainment between
children and young people living in the most deprived areas and their peers, at the same time as raising attainment for all. Given all this, the Scottish editorial team for this year’s Yearbook felt that it was both valuable and timely to take a fresh look at these issues – drawing on insights and expertise from all parts of Europe. This decision has certainly been borne out by the 13 thought- provoking articles we have received from CIDREE members.
YB_16_Successful Approaches to Raising Attainment and Tackling Inequity (PDF)
YB 16 Links to abstracts (PDF)